The 3 Reasons Why You Must Be Taking Supplements
Things are not how they use to be when it comes to eating healthy nutrition. Hundreds of years ago our the soils were farmed differently and were full of minerals. Therefore, there are 3 reasons why we must be supplementing:
Firstly, minerals are not in our soils or are getting scarce in our soils though intensive farming practices. So if minerals aren’t in our soils essential plant minerals are not in our food, although plants can make vitamins but they cannot make minerals they must absorb them from the soil. Also most food producing areas in the world are naturally deficient in several minerals as minerals are not spread evenly around the world.
Secondly, without minerals, vitamins are useless because minerals are needed to absorb vitamins. Because they are inorganic substances, minerals can’t be synthesized by the human body. They must be obtained from the foods we eat. The food we eat today is highly processed and are stripped of the nutrients they may have contained. Vitamins are destroyed when foods are cooked or boiled.

Thirdly, we need to protect our immune system. It is our immune system that helps us to recover from sickness. For our immune system to work at 100% to fight off sickness, it needs the right nutrients every day, and if they are not in our soil, they are not in our food and therefore our body is not feeding it to our immune system. The human body needs 90 essential plant minerals every day to fight off diseases. And the shocking truth is that millions are suffering around the world because of mineral depletion in the soil in which we grow our crops and this has been confirmed by the World Health Organisation, the UK Ministry of Agriculture, UNICEF and The Royal Society of Chemistry. Tests have shown a massive 85% depletion in most soils and this is devastating to our health.
Conclusion – after reading these three steps you have now got a better understanding of why it is important to be taking supplements. Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like more information.