The immune system is one of my favourite parts of the human body. I did some research on the immune system and the importance of keeping it healthy. Wow, what a complicated system. I am not going too much into detail, as you will be reading this blog for the next week, so I have just skimmed and made it sound more simple. So, here is what the research showed me.

The immune System

The immune system is the body’s natural defense system. You have a lot of “systems” operating your body, but one of the most complex system is your immune system.

What are the main parts to your immune system?

  • white blood cells
  • antibodies
  • complement system
  • lymphatic system
  • spleen
  • bone marrow
  • thymus.

What are some signs of a weak immune system?

  • autoimmune disorders.
  • frequently getting a cold or flu
  • feeling tired and run down all the time
  • allergies, skin disorders
  • blood disorders or abnormalities, such as anaemia.
  • digestive issues, including loss of appetite, diarrhoea, and abdominal cramping.

What is your immune system’s job?

It is your immune system’s job to protect you from the bad guys like flu, colds, viruses, bacterial infections, fevers, disease and nasty pathogens, just to name a few. Also, your energy and endurance levels, and quality of life can be directly influenced by your immune system.

When these bad guys find their way into your body, it is the immune system’s response to gang up on it and fight it – so it produces antibodies to attack whatever bad guy is invading your body.

For your immune system to fight these bad guys, you need to keep your immune system in top condition by feeding it proper nutrition. The older you get the more your immune system can be at risk. One reason being, the nutrients are not getting replaced when your body sweats out as you go about your day or do any type of exercise. Over the years that can take a toll on your body and your immune system.

What can you do to support your immune system

You should be eating plenty of the good food and very little if none at all, of the bad food. Good food includes plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially those very high in antioxidants. Unfortunately fruits and vegetables do not contain all the nutrients that are required by your immune system as they are not all present in the soil, mainly minerals.

Your immune system is made of protein – so you need to eat protein, and less sugar. You do need some sugar as your DNA is made from sugar but you just need to consume less and when you do have sugar it should be natural sugars from fruits etc. Viruses, flus and colds can breed in a high sugar environment, which can end up suppressing your immune system. Having chicken soup when you feel sick, especially with flu and cold, is a great idea – home made chicken soup is best, if you like making soups, and very yummy.

Some people do not eat enough fruits or vegetables anyway, so the only other way you have to get those important nutrients into your body is to feed the immune system with a good quality vitamin and mineral supplement.

I have learned over the last 18 years that you need to give your body 90 essential nutrients everyday to live a long and healthy life and keep up the lifestyle we have all grown accustomed to. You will be amazed what your body and immune system will do, once you give it what it needs.

Exercise is also good for your immune system – gets the lymphatic system moving, which gets the blood flowing. Walking 30 minutes a day is great, and as I said above, if you are sweating out nutrients with exercise, you need to be putting those nutrients back into your body.


The truth is, we all want to grow old gracefully and extend out our life. So make the commitment by looking after your immune system and it will look after you so you can live a healthy life well into your 80s and 90s.

A balanced and healthy immune system is important to fight against infections, so anything you can do to strengthen and support your immune system will help to assure your well being.

So, if you are interested in starting your journey of good health and supporting your immune system, the best way possible, with the 90 for Life nutrients, please reach out to me.

Also, If you would like a free health evaluation checklist sent to you, please contact me with your email or phone number.



The immune system is one of my favourite parts of the human body, and needs to be kept healthy.  I did some research on the immune system and the importance of keeping it healthy.  Wow, what a complicated system. I am not going too much into detail, as you will be reading this blog for the next week, so I have just skimmed and made it sound more simple. So, here is what the research showed me.

What is the Immune System

The immune system is the body’s natural defense system. We have a lot of “systems” operating our body, but one of the most complex system is our immune system.

What are the main parts to our immune system?

  • white blood cells
  • antibodies
  • complement system
  • lymphatic system
  • spleen
  • bone marrow
  • thymus.

What are some signs of a weak immune system?

  • autoimmune disorders.
  • frequently getting a cold or flu
  • feeling tired and run down all the time
  • allergies, skin disorders
  • blood disorders or abnormalities, such as anaemia.
  • digestive issues, including loss of appetite, diarrhoea, and abdominal cramping.

What does our immune system do for us

It is our immune system’s job to protect us from the bad guys like flu, colds, viruses, bacterial infections, fevers, disease and nasty pathogens, just to name a few. Also, our energy and endurance levels, and quality of life can be directly influenced by our immune system.

When these bad guys find their way into our body, it is the immune system’s response to gang up on it and fight it – so it produces antibodies to attack whatever bad guy is invading your body.

For our immune system to fight these bad guys, we need to keep our immune system in top condition by feeding it proper nutrition. The older we get the more our immune system can be at risk. One reason being, we are not replacing the nutrients that our body sweats out as we go about our day or do any type of exercise. Over the years that can take a toll on our body and our immune system.

What can we do to keep our immune system in top shape

We should be eating plenty of the goods foods, and, very little if none at all, of the bad foods. Good foods include plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially foods high in antioxidants. Unfortunately our food does not contain all the nutrients that are required by our immune system as they are not all present in our soil, especially minerals.

Your immune system is made of protein – so you need to eat protein, and less sugar. You do need some sugar as your DNA is made from sugar but you just need to consume less and when you do have sugar it should be natural sugars from fruits etc.  Viruses, flus and colds can breed in a high sugar environment, which can end up suppressing your immune system.  Having chicken soup when you feel sick, especially with flu and cold, is a great idea – home made chicken soup is best, if you like making soups, and very yummy.

Some people do not eat enough fruits or vegetables anyway, so the only other way you have to get those important nutrients into your body is to feed the immune system with a good quality vitamin and mineral supplement.

I have learned over the last 18 years that you need to give your body 90 essential nutrients everyday to live a long and healthy life and keep up the lifestyle we have all grown accustomed to.  You will be amazed what your body and immune system will do, once you give it what it needs. Please check out my webinar below to further understand why we need to be topped up with 90 nutrients, and also find out what the 90 nutrients are.

Exercise is also good for your immune system – gets the lymphatic system moving, which gets the blood flowing.  Walking 30 minutes a day is great, and as I said above, if you are sweating out nutrients with exercise, you need to be putting those nutrients back into your body.


The truth is, we all want to grow old gracefully and extend out our life. So make the commitment by looking after your immune system and it will look after you so you can live a healthy life well into your 80s and 90s.

A balanced and healthy immune system is important to fight against infections, so anything you can do to strengthen and support your immune system will help to assure your well being.

Hopefully this information has given you some food for thought on how important it is to look after your immune system. As I said, I have only skimmed the top. There is so much more to the immune system. All I can add to finish off is that this is a complex and important system and needs to be respected and looked after.



You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency?” – Dr Linus Pauling, Two Time Nobel Prize Winner.

Minerals are an important part of your diets. Minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. Every cell in our body needs minerals. Minerals perform many different functions in our body. One of these functions is building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses.

I have done a few blogs on the importance of minerals but this time I am going to focus on “plant” based minerals.


Plant Derived Minerals come from the soil through the root of the plant, and your body is designed to uptake these. Most minerals today are no more than ground up rock or some other form that is not plant derived. Our bodies need plant derived.

Can we get these minerals in our food?

The answer is “only if it is in the soil that the food was grown in”. The best way to ensure we are getting our minerals is to grow our own fruit and vegetables, but even then we cannot guarantee we will get all the minerals our body needs every day. You need 60 ESSENTIAL MINERALS everyday.

Should I supplement with Minerals

Once again, a good question. The best way to support your body everyday with minerals is to eat food grown in mineral rich soil. However, that cannot be guaranteed, as minerals do not occur in the soil in a uniform fashion on the crust of the earth.

In Australia and New Zealand one mineral we lack is Selenium. You would need to physically put the minerals in your own soil yourself. The best thing you then need to do is supplement. Make sure you supplement with Plant Derived Minerals – your body will LOVE you.


I hope this information has given you some good information about the importance of plant minerals and how you should be implementing them into your diet.

If you would like to learn more about Plant Derived Minerals or how you can obtain these Minerals, click on the image below and get instant access to the free training video.



What is a Dietary Supplement?

Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs/botanicals, enzymes, amino acids, proteins and other dietary ingredients. These products are taken by mouth in pill, capsule, tablet or liquid form.

Why do our bodies need vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients because they perform hundreds of roles in the body on a daily basis. Our bodies constantly construct skin, muscle and bone and manufacture red blood cells which carry nutrients and oxygen to remote areas in the body and send nerve signals skipping along thousands of miles of brain and body pathways. They also formulate chemical messengers that shuttle from one organ to another, issuing the instructions that help sustain our lives.

To do all this, our bodies require vitamins, minerals, micro minerals and some very essential trace minerals, components of which, by its self, our bodies cannot manufacture in sufficient amounts.

Vitamins and minerals are often called micronutrients because our bodies need only tiny amounts of them. Yet failing to get even those small quantities virtually guarantees disease.
Many micronutrients interact. For example, vitamin D is the cofactor of over 3000 processes in the body, for example to enable our bodies to obtain calcium from food sources passing through our digestive tract rather than harvesting it from our bones.
One of many roles played by vitamin C is to help make collagen, which knits together wounds, supports blood vessel walls, and forms a base for teeth and bones and yet bone formation would also be impossible without vitamins A, D, and K.
Magnesium and zinc, just by themselves, each help with 300 catalysts, within the body. (Between them a total of six hundred).
Several B vitamins are key components of certain coenzymes (molecules that aid enzymes) that help release energy from food.

The body needs, and stores, fairly large amounts of the major minerals which are no more important to our health than the trace minerals, they’re just present in our bodies in greater amounts.

Major minerals travel through the body in various ways. Potassium, for example, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, where it circulates freely and is excreted by the kidneys, much like a water-soluble vitamin. Calcium is more like a fat-soluble vitamin because it requires a carrier for absorption and transport.

We need a variety of nutrients each day to stay healthy, not only calcium and vitamin D to protect our bones but also folic acid to produce and maintain new cells, and vitamin A to preserve a healthy immune system and vision to name just a few. In all we need 90 essential vitamins and minerals to run this great machine we call our body and keep it reproducing new healthy cells.

Why can’t we get all we need from our food?

If we want to achieve optimum health and a maximum life span, the nutritional bare bones just won’t cut it. We need to eat nutritious foods and take supplements that pick up where our nutritious foods, for various reasons, no longer take us.

Our modern environment also has a profound effect on our health and wellbeing, making our nutritional needs much greater.

Examples of other contributing factors include:
• A decline in soil quality and a consequent decline in the nutrient density of the foods we grow in it.
• A decrease in diversity of plant species consumed.
• An increase in exposure to food and environmental toxins and sprays.
• Overuse of antibiotics, birth control and other medications (damaging the gut and liver and so making it harder to absorb the nutrients we consume).
• An increase in chronic stress.
• A decrease in sleep quality and duration.
• A reduced connection with nature and less time spent outdoors.
• A move away from the tight-knit social groups that were the norm for humans until very recently and the resulting effect on our nervous system.

Having better health and vitality should be at the heart of everything we do.
The power of nature can boost our body’s natural immunity and support systems, enhancing our health and vitality. The right kind of supplementation can enhance the power of nature – treating and resisting the effects of lifestyle and the lack of real nutrition in our diet.


So as you can see it is crucial in this day and age for us to consume dietary supplements on a daily basis if we want to support a healthy lifestyle and live a better quality of life. Food alone will not do it. The extra nutrients that supplements provide prevents free radicals from harming healthy cells, speeds the repair and regeneration of damaged cells, and facilitates healing. The result of all this is a longer, healthier, more vital life.

For further information on why we need to supplement and why minerals are one of the most important nutrients our body needs then click on the link below and listen to my webinar.

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3 Reasons Why Minerals Are Crucial To Your Health

3 Reasons Why Minerals Are Crucial To Your Health

1. Without minerals vitamins have no function in the body

Vitamins and minerals are essential to life. They act as cofactors or prosthetic groups for most enzymes, thus making biochemical reactions possible. These are the facts – there is not one enzymatic process inside the human body that does not demand a mineral for its process. Some Minerals are necessary for virtually every single metabolic process that happens in the human body. Some vitamins need minerals to work effectively, Vitamin C needs iron as a co-factor to metabolise and Vitamin D is usually taken alongside calcium, to name just a few.

2. Protection against serious illness

A deficiency in any major or trace mineral can lead to poor health and serious illness that affects numerous body systems. The body needs many minerals; especially “Essential” minerals. “Essential” minerals are minerals the body needs but cannot make. Also, minerals are divided up into major minerals (macro-minerals) and trace minerals (micro-minerals). These two groups of minerals are equally important, but trace minerals are needed in smaller amounts than major minerals. The amounts needed in the body are not an indication of their importance. Minerals play a role in nearly every human bodily function from building healthy bones and teeth to energy production, to immune support. Minerals are so crucial to our health that even slight imbalances of some minerals can have major consequences; ranging from low energy levels to gastrointestinal issues. Deficiency causes disease, plain and simple.

3. Humans cannot produce minerals

There is not a single plant, animal or human that can produce even one mineral. Minerals are in soil and rock, if minerals are not in the soil they are not in the plants and therefore not in our food.

Here’s how it’s supposed to work.

1. The plant digests the metallic minerals from the soil. 

2. The plant adds a hydrogen atom and completely changes the molecular structure of the metallic minerals. (The metallic minerals are transformed into ‘food state’ minerals).

3. The human or animal eats the plants containing ‘Plant-Derived Minerals’. 

4. The human or animal can absorb nearly 100% of the plant-derived minerals that all the cells in the body need for them to work correctly. 

Plant-derived minerals are truly the most efficient way to get our minerals because our bodies are designed to absorb almost 100% of this type of mineral.

Interestingly Organic doesn’t mean the minerals are present in the food. It just means free of chemicals and pesticides.

So after reading that, you will see that we humans need plant based minerals. They are easy for our body to digest, and then our body will get rid what it does not need and will not store in the body. If you find all this interesting and what to learn more, please check out my free webinar, by clicking on the link below.



I was walking along the beach this morning on the Sunny Gold Coast and while walking I was thinking and wondering about how the sea air was affecting me and I asked myself, “what are the benefits of walking on the beach”. I did some research and the following paragraphs are what I came up with.

The sea has Negative ions. These Negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy. So walking on the beach is a great way to get negative ions into our body. Our body’s magnetic field/environment is made up of both positive and negative ions. Too much positive ions, through electrical equipment such as computers and mobile phones, can affect our magnetic field and drain energy, making us feel tired and lethargic. So it is important we get these Negative ions to try and counteract and balance out the Positive ions.

Negative ions enhance our mood, stimulate our senses, improve appetite and sexual drive, provide relief from hay fever, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, allergies, migraines, even post operative pain and burns. Negative ions stimulate the reticuloendothelial system which is a group of defence cells in our bodies which marshal our resistance to disease. The body is better able to absorb oxygen into the blood cells, oxidize serotonin and filter airborne contaminants.

Just walking on the beach can not only relieve stress, but it is beneficial for people with skin issues because of the salty sea air. Walking on the beach is a great way to get your Vitamin D naturally and of course it is good exercise just to walk on the beach.

Salt water also has an osmotic effect in as much as it draws water from the body. As a result, those people who always have some excess fluid in the legs will feel considerably better after bathing in the sea.

So as you have read, walking on the beach can be very powerful. If you are lucky enough to live near the sea then take some regular time out and visit as it has some great benefits on our health. I am so grateful that I live by the beach and I will never take it for granted.