Everyone has different perceptions of what it means to be healthy and what is not. Have you ever asked yourself “what is health to you”?. From my own experience and research, this is what I have found with being a healthy me.


Supplementation is important for our everyday needs. I think we all realise now that our food we are buying in our shops and supermarkets are not what they use to be. The nutrient value in our fruits and vegetables these days are minimum, which is probably why there seems to be no taste. I not sure if it just me, but the juicy sweet taste we had in our fruit many years ago, seems to have vanished. So, what do we do about it? We have to revert to a good quality supplement to get all our nutritional needs.


For our body to effectively take in these nutrients we also have to eat healthy, and yes, where possible, we should eat organic, but let’s face it, “organic” only means it is free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. It does not mean all the required nutrients are in the food.

Takeaways are becoming more frequent in most diets these days and most people are consuming bad fats, harmful chemicals and preservatives, to name a few – which puts more pressure on your body, especially your liver, to deal with and get rid of the toxins from your body.

Being a healthy you does not have to be hard. I have found clean eating most of the time with good quality, and organic where possible, vegetables, fruit, protein and fats make me feel so much better. Have you ever noticed that the more you eat healthy food the more your body lets you know when you put something bad into it? You can almost feel your stomach crying out to you, telling you to stop. I leave the bad eating to those occasional special nights out with family and friends, and pay for it later .


When choosing a healthy lifestyle we should embark on some type of exercise. If you are like me, I hate going to the gym or doing anything too strenuous, but we need some exercise, even if it is just walking. I do love to walk. This is because we need to keep the blood flowing and the lymphatic system moving to help get rid of the toxins circulating in our blood.


I know we hear this all the time – we need to drink lots of water! Water keeps us hydrated. This is Water also helps to flush the toxins out of your body. If we don’t flush the toxins out then they just circulate through our blood and this is how disease can start.

Look after your liver and kidneys because these organs also help to flush toxins out of the body. The signs we are not drinking enough water is increased thirst, dry mouth, infrequent urination, dry skin, tiredness, dizziness and headache. Remember, if you are exercising you need to drink more water because you will be sweating out water and nutrients.


I don’t know about you but as we get older quality of life is important to me. Spend time to educate yourself. There are lots of ways to educate ourselves, for example, read books, apply for nutrition courses. That’s what I did and lead me to where I am now, a Health Coach.

I understand now that we are responsible for our own health! I am responsible for my health. Without good health we are unable to do all those things we enjoy in life, whether it is playing with the kids or grand-kids, sports and even travel. These can become hard if you do not have quality of life.

The power is in our own hands! Imagine how you could feel, by taking the right food and nutrients to support your immune system.

If you want to know more what I did then please reach out to me and I will guide you to be a healthy you.


Hello from the desk of Irene G, Kevin and Karen from 90 for Life Australia

Known for decades as a liver-protective food, beetroot also known as beets, table beets or red beet, may not be the newest kid on the superfoods block, but mounting research is showing why we should take another good look at this root vegetable in juiced form.

Beetroot is from the same family as sugar beets, but they are genetically and nutritionally different.  Sugar beets are white in colour and commonly used for extracting sugar and sweetening manufactured foods.  Sugar cannot be obtained from beetroot, which is mostly red or gold in colour.

Beetroot or beets are a unique source of nutrients that help protect cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress.

The key nutrients found in beets have also been shown to help fight inflammation, improve cardiovascular risk factors, improve eye health, assist in body detoxification and possibly help prevent numerous chronic diseases as reported by the ‘World’s Healthiest Foods Foundation’.

According to Medical News Today (MNT), recent research studies claim that consuming beetroot juice can improve athletic performance, lower blood pressure, increase blood flow and increase stamina.  Researchers claim this was possibly due to the high nitrate levels contained in beet juice.

Further studies have found that those who drank beet juice prior to exercise were able to exercise for up to 16 percent longer.  This benefit is thought to be related to the naturally occurring nitrate levels, which may reduce the oxygen cost of low-intensity exercise as well as enhance tolerance to high-intensity exercise.

How do nitrates work?
When a nitrate is consumed, bacteria and enzymes on the tongue convert nitrate to nitrite which is then converted to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide supports numerous systems and pathways in the body.  Two very important pathways are the regulation of oxygen and transportation of blood flow throughout the body’s various systems.

Oxygen transportation and the circulation of blood are even more vital when the body is under physical stress.  The cardiovascular system is working even harder during physical activity, but with proper levels of nitric oxide, oxygen is transported to the corresponding organs and blood flow is optimal; supporting peak cardiovascular capabilities.

Boosting your cardiovascular system improves performance
Because this performance enhancement capability has been supported by scientific research, beet juice has become the go-to for individuals looking to improve their athletic performance.

Physical endurance relies heavily on the nutrients your body is receiving beforehand.  Having the capacity to hike, bike, or run a little longer is largely based on how well your cardiovascular system is expending oxygen and circulating blood flow.

Youngevity CardioBeets
With all this good news about beetroot, is it any surprise that Youngevity has taken the humble beetroot and by adding a proprietary blend of Mango, Kelp and amino acids, formulated an incredible product designed to optimise the body’s endurance and performance during physical activity.

Youngevity’s CardioBeets delivers superior nutrition from –

  • Organic red beets rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nitrates
  • VitaKelp™ an organic mineral rich superfood from a highly sustainable seaweed source.  It is a natural source of bioavailable iodine which is essential for energy metabolism and many other health functions.
  • Antioxidant and nutrient-rich Careflow™ Mango Fruit Powder – a high-quality natural ingredient that has been shown to support improved blood flow and support optimal nitric oxide function.  It may help athletic performance by supporting oxygen supply and endurance.
  • Sweet cherry, rich in flavonoids and antioxidants – sweet cherries may help the body combat the damage caused by free radicals and help to support a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • L-Arginine and L-Citrulline for additional nitric oxide production – When combined, these two amino acids help boost nitric oxide production, blood flow and circulation.  The combination also supports healthy blood pressure and helps the body remove the by-products of exercise which may help improve recovery.

“I look at the human body as a healing and regenerating system, designed divinely to heal and renew itself on a moment to moment basis. But it needs the raw materials to do its work.” – Pharmacist Ben Fuchs

Have a super awesome day,

Irene G
90 For Life Australia


Posted: May 3, 2021 | Originally Posted By: Stacy Croninger

Your brain is an important part of your body that you want to make sure you take care of – especially as you age. There are multiple ways to help support your brain’s health, including nutrition and activity.

Nutrition and Exercise

Eating right affects so much of how our body functions. And brain health definitely is affected by what we eat. The Alzheimer’s Organization and Mayo Clinic both recommend a Mediterranean diet. The emphasis on plant-based foods, whole grains, fish, and healthy fats provide the nutrients your body, and your brain, need for optimal health. Also, make sure you’re taking your 90 For Life products to fill in any missing nutrients.

In addition, staying active with regular exercise provides increased blood flow to body and brain, which can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline. If you need encouragement, consider joining the Better Health Challenge or at least follow the Facebook group where ideas for getting moving are shared on Workout Wednesday. Remember, exercise doesn’t have to be complicated. Grab a pair of comfortable shoes and head outside for a walk.


What we do each and every day can have a big affect on our brain. Think about how much sleep you are getting. If you are sleep deprived, your memory and brain health is likely suffering. Issues like sleep apnea can also affect your brain’s health, so if you have concerns, get tested.

Stress, hard to avoid, but there are ways to minimize it or help with how it affects your body. If you’re feeling extreme stress, try breathing exercises, or step outside and walk through the grass. For severe stress, think about working with a counselor to help you develop strategies that can help relieve your stress and anxiety.

So far we’ve talked about things not to do, so how about a few things that are fun to do. First, stay socially engaged. Find things you can do with others that you enjoy and that help you stay involved. Solitary confinement research shows that your brain can atrophy, so make sure you’re hanging out with friends and family.

Stretch your brain through games, books, and learning. Find a game that you enjoy doing like puzzles, strategy games, or cards. Reading books gets your mind working by imagining what you are reading about. And learning, whether in a formal school environment or from the internet, stretches your brain muscles to adapt to new information.

No matter what you decide to do, make sure that you are including nutrient-rich foods, getting enough sleep, exercising/moving regularly, and staying active mentally. You only get one brain so make the most of it!




Most of us know what the goods foods are, so I am going to touch on the bad foods we should avoid and why we don’t need these foods in our life. They just create inflammation in our body and cause digestion problems. See below in the Good Foods Bad Foods list and note the foods you should avoid for the good of your own health.

These bad foods can do some terrible damage to our body over time. You travel through life thinking you are healthy, then wham, suddenly you are getting allergies you never had before, you start feeling tired all the time, joint pain, sugar imbalances, you get the picture. It has caught up with you.

But, you don’t have to listen to me, let the experts tell you. In the link below Dr Peter Glidden ND, explains why those foods are bad for you.

At the end of the day staying off the bad foods and focus on eating more of the goods foods, drink plenty water and exercise is really all you need, We need some exercise, even if it is just walking, to keep the blood flowing and the lymphatic system moving. You also need a good mind set for willpower. Let’s face it, it does sound easy, and it is, you just have to tell your mind this. If we want to continue living the lifestyle we currently have without aches and pains then we need to pay attention to our body and feed it good nutrition through good quality organic food and supplementation.

Here at 90-for-life Australia, we love Youngevity’s immune supporting products. Click here to see, and don’t forget to ask me about FREE SHIPPING. – Remember to click on your country flag.



Isn’t it amazing what mother nature can provide for you in your garden. I am lucky enough to have a Lemonade tree and a Kumquat tree and both are flourishing at the moment.

My Kumquat tree is showing a beautiful colour of orange with these very small Kumquats, as you will see in the picture. They are about the size of two large grapes. They smell delicious when picking them off the tree. The citrus smell is so powerful. It was then I thought, “how am I really suppose to eat these little things”?. In the past I have given them away as I haven’t know what to do with them. Most people, including myself, find them quite tarty. In fact most people have never heard of them.

So this year, I thought I would actually use them myself. I am a nutrient girl, and I like to know the nutrients that are inside these fruit, and what goodness they can bring to my body.

They are very high in Vitamin C (73% of RDI) and full of fibre (water soluble). So they would be great immune support if you feel a cold or flu coming on. It is winter now, so they ready just in time for flu and virus season. They also have smaller amounts of Vitamin A, several B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc. The edible seeds and the peel of Kumquats provide a small amount of omega-3 fats ( 3 ). According to research they support your cholesterol and blood sugar .

So that is just a quick rundown of Kumquats. If you are thinking of planting fruit trees in your garden, give consideration to the Kumquat tree. Mine seems to be very hardy and grows very well next to my Lemonade tree. Come to think of it, I have never seen Kumquats for sale in the supermarkets. You might see them at your local market. That is another good reason to have one in your garden. They are easy to grow and look after.

How many of you do have a Kumquat tree or eat Kumquats? How do you incorporate these tiny little orange things into your diet? Let me know.



Have you ever wondered why Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are important, and, what is the difference between 3, 6, and 9. Do we need them all? I take EFA’s everyday and so I decided to do some research and here is what I found.

Yes, our bodies do need Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) everyday.

EFA’s support both our cardiovascular system and brain health, along with being important for the liver, hormonal support, immune function and keeping our skin healthy and youthful.

The three EFA’s are Omega 3, 6 and 9. Omegas 3 and 6 are essential because our body cannot make them. For this reason we need to get these two nutrients from our food or through a good quality EFA supplement. All three Omegas are very different to each other and do different things in the body. I will just break them down.

Omega 3

It is found in fish and plants and most nuts, mainly walnuts. Omega 3’s are Polyunsaturated fatty acids. The benefits of Omega 3’s are:

  • May Fight Depression and Anxiety
  • Supports Eye Health
  • Supports and Protects the myelin sheath of our brain
  • Supports and Promotes Brain Health During Pregnancy and Early Life
  • May Improve Risk Factors for Heart Disease
  • Helps with libido
  • Improves skin conditions

ALA, EPA and DHA are also Omega 3’s, which additionally play an important role in the human body as follows:

ALA ( Alpha-lipoic acid). ALA is quite complex to talk about, so in simple language, ALA serves vital functions at a cellular level, such as supporting energy production. It provides antioxidant protection and support for other tissue in the body. Humans can only produce a small amount of ALA, so we need to look to supplementation to get the rest of it. ALA is particularly needed for digestion. Without ALA we will start to feel tired all the time and have no energy.

EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid). This is found in the brain and the wall of every cell in the body. EPA is very important for the proper development of the foetus while developing in the mother. EPA is also anti-inflammatory.

DHA ( docosahexaenoic acid). It is the primary component of the brain and found in the skin, eyes and even men’s testicles.

Omega 6

It is found in meats and vegetable oils like Palm Oil, Flax Oil, Sunflower Oil and Soybean Oil, but Olive Oil funnily enough has very little. Omega 6’s are responsible for making prostaglandins, which are tiny hormones along with being support for the heart and assisting in muscle repair after exercise.

Unfortunately,the modern diet, which does contain Omega 6’s are also filled with bad oils, for example corn, safflower, sunflower, grape seed, soy, peanut, and vegetable; mayonnaise; and many salad dressings. These oils are in just about everything from fried foods, breads to shelf life products. Which is why Omega 6’s can be both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory. We need to start looking at what oils are in the foods we are eating and start consuming more of the good foods with Omega 6, like Avocados, eggs, nuts (especially walnuts), have butter not margarine and good quality organic meat, just to name a few. 

The normal ratio between Omega 3 and Omega 6 is 1/1. But, as we tend to eat more food with Omega 6, it is recommended to improve the ratio of Omega-3 fats to Omega-6 fats and eat more omega-3s, not fewer omega-6s. It is all about the balance.

Omega 9

It is found in Oleic (in butter), olive oil and sunflower oil. Our body can make Omega 9, but we still need it in small amounts. The body needs this EFA for heart health and blood sugar health. The research I found on omega-9 fatty acids have been shown to increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol and decrease LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, plus they help eliminate plaque build- up in the arteries, which causes heart attack and stroke.

Here is a diagram I found which shows percentage of Omega’s in each oil.

Symptoms of Essential Fatty Acid deficiency

  • dry skin
  • Allergies
  • diabetes
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Hypertension
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Infertility
  • immune and autoimmune disease
  • menstrual issues
  • mental disorders

Another point to consider if you do cook with oil, (including coconut oil), is to make sure it from a good quality source. Oils are very sensitive to light and can oxidize very quickly, which results in free radicals. That is why it is important when buying oils in a bottle that it is a dark bottle that is protected from the light. The moment you take the lid off it is subject to oxidation. Oxygen mixed with oil causes the free radicals.

Same goes for Essential Fatty Acids. Capsules are a better way to take these nutrients. Some brands contain oxygen inside the capsule, while other brands may have nitrogen inside. Replacing oxygen with nitrogen increases the stability of fish oil and limits oxidation. It is also important that the EFA’s you are taking have been checked for the presence of heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, furans, and other contaminants. So something else to consider when purchasing your Essential Fatty Acids.

Take home message – yes EFA’s are very important to our health, our brain and our immune system. Anything that supports and protects our brain, needs to be taken, don’t you think? We should be taking EFA’s everyday.

At 90 for Life Australia we take our EFA’s seriously. Our EFA’s are made from good quality sources and in accordance with the IFOS – INTERNATIONAL FISH OIL STANDARDS. All our 90 For Life Packs include our EFA Plus. See for yourself. Have a lovely week everyone.

Click on the link for brain and heart support