“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency?” – Dr Linus Pauling, Two Time Nobel Prize Winner.
Minerals are an important part of your diets. Minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. Every cell in our body needs minerals. Minerals perform many different functions in our body. One of these functions is building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses.
I have done a few blogs on the importance of minerals but this time I am going to focus on “plant” based minerals.

Plant Derived Minerals come from the soil through the root of the plant, and your body is designed to uptake these. Most minerals today are no more than ground up rock or some other form that is not plant derived. Our bodies need plant derived.
Can we get these minerals in our food?
The answer is “only if it is in the soil that the food was grown in”. The best way to ensure we are getting our minerals is to grow our own fruit and vegetables, but even then we cannot guarantee we will get all the minerals our body needs every day. You need 60 ESSENTIAL MINERALS everyday.
Should I supplement with Minerals
Once again, a good question. The best way to support your body everyday with minerals is to eat food grown in mineral rich soil. However, that cannot be guaranteed, as minerals do not occur in the soil in a uniform fashion on the crust of the earth.
In Australia and New Zealand one mineral we lack is Selenium. You would need to physically put the minerals in your own soil yourself. The best thing you then need to do is supplement. Make sure you supplement with Plant Derived Minerals – your body will LOVE you.
I hope this information has given you some good information about the importance of plant minerals and how you should be implementing them into your diet.
If you would like to learn more about Plant Derived Minerals or how you can obtain these Minerals, click on the image below and get instant access to the free training video.