Most of us know what the goods foods are, so I am going to touch on the bad foods we should avoid and why we don’t need these foods in our life. They just create inflammation in our body and cause digestion problems. See below in the Good Foods Bad Foods list and note the foods you should avoid for the good of your own health.

These bad foods can do some terrible damage to our body over time. You travel through life thinking you are healthy, then wham, suddenly you are getting allergies you never had before, you start feeling tired all the time, joint pain, sugar imbalances, you get the picture. It has caught up with you.
But, you don’t have to listen to me, let the experts tell you. In the link below Dr Peter Glidden ND, explains why those foods are bad for you.
At the end of the day staying off the bad foods and focus on eating more of the goods foods, drink plenty water and exercise is really all you need, We need some exercise, even if it is just walking, to keep the blood flowing and the lymphatic system moving. You also need a good mind set for willpower. Let’s face it, it does sound easy, and it is, you just have to tell your mind this. If we want to continue living the lifestyle we currently have without aches and pains then we need to pay attention to our body and feed it good nutrition through good quality organic food and supplementation.
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