1. Without minerals vitamins have no function in the body
Vitamins and minerals are essential to life. They act as cofactors or prosthetic groups for most enzymes, thus making biochemical reactions possible. These are the facts – there is not one enzymatic process inside the human body that does not demand a mineral for its process. Some Minerals are necessary for virtually every single metabolic process that happens in the human body. Some vitamins need minerals to work effectively, Vitamin C needs iron as a co-factor to metabolise and Vitamin D is usually taken alongside calcium, to name just a few.
2. Protection against serious illness
A deficiency in any major or trace mineral can lead to poor health and serious illness that affects numerous body systems. The body needs many minerals; especially “Essential” minerals. “Essential” minerals are minerals the body needs but cannot make. Also, minerals are divided up into major minerals (macro-minerals) and trace minerals (micro-minerals). These two groups of minerals are equally important, but trace minerals are needed in smaller amounts than major minerals. The amounts needed in the body are not an indication of their importance. Minerals play a role in nearly every human bodily function from building healthy bones and teeth to energy production, to immune support. Minerals are so crucial to our health that even slight imbalances of some minerals can have major consequences; ranging from low energy levels to gastrointestinal issues. Deficiency causes disease, plain and simple.
3. Humans cannot produce minerals
There is not a single plant, animal or human that can produce even one mineral. Minerals are in soil and rock, if minerals are not in the soil they are not in the plants and therefore not in our food.
Here’s how it’s supposed to work.
1. The plant digests the metallic minerals from the soil.
2. The plant adds a hydrogen atom and completely changes the molecular structure of the metallic minerals. (The metallic minerals are transformed into ‘food state’ minerals).
3. The human or animal eats the plants containing ‘Plant-Derived Minerals’.
4. The human or animal can absorb nearly 100% of the plant-derived minerals that all the cells in the body need for them to work correctly.
Plant-derived minerals are truly the most efficient way to get our minerals because our bodies are designed to absorb almost 100% of this type of mineral.
Interestingly Organic doesn’t mean the minerals are present in the food. It just means free of chemicals and pesticides.
So after reading that, you will see that we humans need plant based minerals. They are easy for our body to digest, and then our body will get rid what it does not need and will not store in the body. If you find all this interesting and what to learn more, please check out my free webinar, by clicking on the link below.